6 November 2022 – Amsterdam – Idstein

One of the biggest concerns for senior couples in deciding whether to serve a mission is health.  It was a big issue for us because of Deborah’s prior back surgeries and the pain she constantly endures.  Geoff was concerned about his sleep apnea and Epstein Barr virus which causes unusual fatigue.

One of the blessings of our mission so far has been our excellent health.  From the day we entered the MTC, Deborah has not had any back pain.  All the walking we do here in Germany seems to help.  We were concerned about the sleeping arrangements because we have a special mattress at home that helps her. We have not had any trouble sleeping. Deborah feels better than she has in years.  Geoff feels energized and focused in his work.

Another aspect we appreciate is working with amazing senior couples.  This began in the MTC.  In our group we had a couple headed to Mongolia to do humanitarian work.  Another couple was going to do humanitarian work in Macedonia. Here in Frankfurt we work in the office with other senior attorneys.  There are also couples here at Europe Central Area HQ who are providing medical support, mental health and addiction counseling for young missionaries, humanitarian, self-reliance, communications, YSA programs, disaster preparedness, records preservation and family history.  Some of these couples are on their second or third senior mission.  One of these couples is from Japan and another is from Switzerland. Some are making a great sacrifice to serve. We are humbled to be working alongside them. 

Here in Frankfurt, there are two Wards.  A German speaking Ward and an English speaking Ward.  The English Ward has most of the senior couples as well as members who work full-time in the Area office and their families.  There are some corporate ex-pats as well.  These members are from numerous countries.  Our Bishopric consists of a Frenchman, a Spaniard, and an American.  We also have members from England, Italy, Ukaraine, Georgia, Portugal, China, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Peru, and Guatemala.  They are remarkable Saints with very strong testimonies and commitments to the Gospel.  We are truly gaining a perspective of the worldwide reach of the Church.

Another perspective we are gaining is to see the blessing of the rising second and third generations in the Church in Europe.  When Geoff served in France 45 years ago there were very few second generation members of the Church above Primary age.  There was virtually no youth program.  It was extremely rare for there to be a young man who served a mission. Now, most of the employees in the Area Office are returned missionaries (men and women) who are married in the temple and have young families.  It is wonderful to see.

A few weeks ago we made a three-day trip to Holland (yes, it is correct to say “Holland” which is the proper name of the area in the Netherlands which includes Amsterdam). We were enthralled by Amsterdam, its canals, bicycles and beautiful buildings.  At the central train station there is a three-story parking garage just for bicycles.  Bikes absolutely rule the city.  Literally everyone rides a bike and you better watch out for them because they have the right of way.

It was not the season for flowers so we are anxious to go back in the Spring.  You may associate Amsterdam with drugs and prostitution.  We did not go near the parts of the city where those exist.  We found Amsterdam to be delightful.  We enjoyed a canal cruise throughout the city and a visit to the Van Gogh museum. We decided that the best way to describe it is that it is like Venice, except not. To understand that you would need to visit both those cities.

Yesterday we visited the town if Idstein which was like stepping onto the set of Beauty and the Beast.  The 400 year-old, colorful half-timbered houses with flower boxes in the windows, the grand city hall, the well and fountain in the square, the cobblestone streets, and the seven-story witches tower were like Disneyland (except that they burned witches and warlocks in the square 400 years ago).

Canal Cruise
Three-story bicycle parking garage at train station.
Dutch Fishing Village
Dutch village with windmill
Wooden shoes on fence post.

One response to “6 November 2022 – Amsterdam – Idstein”

  1. I’m so happy to learn you are both feeling good and enjoying your mission. The pictures are beautiful! We miss you here.


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